79 research outputs found

    The Social Role of Design on Collaborative Destination Branding: Creating a new journey, a new story for the Waterfall Way, New South Wales, Australia

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    This paper suggests that collaborative design can be an effective tool to promote social change. A co-design methodology and the results of its application in branding the Waterfall Way (New South Wales, Australia) as an eco- and nature-based tourism destination are presented as an example. The co-design exercise actively involved stakeholders in all stages of the design process, harnessing local tacit knowledge in relation to communication design, stimulating reflection upon what is special about the places, and consequently reinforcing a sense of belonging and the environmental and cultural conservation of place. The achieved results reflect the involvement and ownership of the community towards the design process. However, the application of a collaborative brand design methodology produced more than just a destination brand that is attractive to visitors, in line with local values, ways of living and the environment. It helped to catalyse a social network around tourism, triggering self-organising activity amongst stakeholders, who started to liaise with each other around the emergent regional identity - represented by the new brand they created together. The Waterfall Way branding process is a good example of social construction of shared understanding in and through design, showing that design exercises can have a significant social impact not only on the final product, but also on the realities of people involved in the process. Keywords: Destination Branding; Collaborative Process; Social Design; Self Organising Systems; Sustainable Tourism</p

    Liminal moments: designing, thinking and learning

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    This paper provides a contextual reflection for understanding best practice teaching to first year design students. The outcome (job) focused approach to higher education has lead to some unanticipated collateral damage for students, and in the case we discuss, has altered the students’ expectations of course delivery with specific implications and challenges for design educators. This tendency in educational delivery systems is further compounded by the distinct characteristics of Generation Y students within a classroom context. It is our belief that foundational design education must focus more on process than outcomes, and through this research with first year design students we analyse and raise questions relative to the curriculum for a Design and Creative Thinking course—in which students not only benefit from learning the theories and processes of design thinking, conceptualisation and creativity, but also are encouraged to see it as an essential tool for their education and development as designers. This study considers the challenges within a design environment; specifically, we address the need for process based learning in contrast to the outcome-focused approach taken by most students. The authors base their reflections on teaching design students at a university in Queensland, Australia

    Sea-level change and human occupation over 6000 years on Areoso Island (Ría de Arousa, NW Iberian Peninsula)

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    Coastal areas are extremely sensitive to variations in environmental conditions. The interaction of marine and continental processes causes a high degree of dynamism, generating depositional formations of great value for palaeoenvironmental reconstruction. This paper focuses on two pedostratigraphic deposits located under the current beach, in close proximity to archaeological tumuli located on Areoso Island (Ría de Arousa, NW Iberian Peninsula). Employing a geoarchaeological approach, sea-level rise, environmental conditions and human occupation over a 6000-year period are interpreted. The results of granulometric and mineralogical data, elemental composition and stratigraphic features, help to identify three successive environments: continental (rock weathering, soil formation and erosion); a transition to a coastal environment; and the establishment of full coastal conditions. The geomorphological evolution of the last 6.0 kyr BP has been controlled by climate, sea-level rise and human activity. The continental facies shows evidence of low sea-level up to 4.8 kyr BP and the first evidence of coastal processes after 3.2 kyr BP. These pedostratigraphic deposits located in an open coastal system improve the Holocene sea-level rise curve in the NW Iberian Peninsula and help to understand the context in which the most important archaeological structures on the island (the tumuli) began to be erodedOpen Access funding provided thanks to the CRUE-CSIC agreement with Springer NatureS

    Does the ideal entrepreneurial team exist?

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    Up until now, studies on entrepreneurs and their relationship to business performance have focused primarily on analyzing the entrepreneur as an individual. While studies have been conducted on the entrepreneurial team, their focus has centered on team size and degree of diversity - cultural, age, gender - leaving a gap in the analysis of the effect of a team’s competencies on the outcome of the ventures. This research aims to help fill this gap by using the psychometric instrument DISC. This research analyzes entrepreneurship by opportunity, evaluating the performance of 109 Colombian companies and the composition of their entrepreneurial teams. The results obtained provide the basis for better understanding of the make-up of entrepreneurial teams, considering the variances and interdependencies of the competency development level among their members. They reveal that identifying the similarity or heterogeneity in certain groups of competencies, as well as how developed they are, can have an impact on the ventures’ success. The cluster analysis carried out suggests that highly developed competencies associated with the ‘dominance’ dimension in the members of an entrepreneurial team are essential. These must be above-average in heterogeneous levels among the team members. They must also be accompanied by the ‘steadiness’ competency provided by the team oriented partners, as well as an average, homogeneous level of competencies associated with ‘conscientiousness’ if the new business is to achieve good financial results in its early years. The ‘influence’ dimension did not play a significant role. The teams made up of more homogeneous partners obtained the poorest financial results. Furthermore, the study provides new perspectives for measuring business performance in a venture, as well as for evaluating the relationships between the entrepreneurial team’s competencies and the company’s results in the first years of business. Accordingly, it offers inputs for future research

    Evolution of a coastal area during the early Middle Ages in the NW of the Iberian Peninsula

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    En el presente trabajo se estudia la evolución de un tramo costero de la Ría de Vigo (NW de la península Ibérica) desde época romana hasta el siglo XVII, prestando particular atención a la Alta Edad Media. Desde el punto de vista arqueológico, la importancia del sector radica en la presencia de una salina de época romana, en uso desde los siglos II BC a III-IV AD, y su abandono para dar paso a la instauración de una iglesia y una necrópolis en la Alta Edad Media (a partir de los siglos IV-V AD). Se muestrearon, con alta resolución, tres secuencias edafo-sedimentarias y se analizaron diversas propiedades físico-químicas (pH, granulometría, contenido en C, N, S, P, Fe, As) y la composición mineralógica, con el fin de determinar la naturaleza de las distintas facies presentes, los procesos implicados y las causas asociadas. Los resultados indican modificaciones en la costa entre finales del periodo romano y comienzos de la Alta Edad Media, con una evolución del medio desde una dinámica costera, con formaciones de marisma-lagoon costero, a una dinámica eólica, con dunas. Dicho cambio es coincidente con el cese de la explotación romana de sal y el inicio del periodo Frío Altomedieval. Estos resultados son similares a los encontrados en otros puntos de la Ría de Vigo. En los tres sectores comparados (Rosalía de Castro, Toralla y Hospital), a la par que se produce la progradación de las formaciones de marisma y duna, el uso antrópico del sector cambia. Aunque la pauta climática presenta un papel importante en la evolución de este sector, los cambios en la línea de costa que se detectan entre ambos periodos culturales pudo estar determinada también por causas socioecómicasThis paper focuses on the evolution of a coastal stretch of the Ria de Vigo (NW Iberian Peninsula) during the early Middle Ages, which presents an important archaeological site with a roman salt mine. Salt exploitation in the Roman period ceased around the AD 3rd-5th centuries, and was followed by the establishment of a churche and a cemetery during the Middle Ages. The properties (pH, grain size, C, N, S, P, Fe and As, and mineralogical composition) of three pedo-sedimentary sequences were analysed in order to identify the different environmental changes that affected this sector. The results suggest signifcant changes occurred in the coast from the late Roman period (AD 3rth-5th centuries) into the early Middle Ages (AD 5th-6th centuries), with an evolution from a marine-continental dynamics, with formation of salt marshes, to a wind dynamics, with dune formations. This change is consistent with the abandonment of the Roman salt exploitation and the beginning of Cold Dark Ages. These results are similar to those found in other areas of the Ría de Vigo. In the three sectors compared (Rosalia de Castro, Toralla and Hospital) land use changed while the progradation of marsh and dune formations occurred. Although climate may have played a major role in the evolution of this sector, the changes in the coastline between the two cultural periods could be also related to socio-economic causesS

    Variabilidad edáfica y su implicancia en la producción del cultivo de alfalfa bajo riego

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    PosterLos suelos de los valles de inundación presentan una importante heterogeneidad debido a su origen aluvional, tal es el caso de la Cuenca media del río Colorado (sudoeste de la provincia de La Pampa, Argentina). Pertenecen al orden Entisoles, con horizontes casi indefinidos, deposición de grandes cantidades de arena, baja concentración de arcilla y escaso contenido de materia orgánica (MO). Por estas particularidades, se definen como suelos áridos, de muy baja fertilidad y con problemas de salinidad. En el área bajo estudio, los cultivos de alfalfa y maíz adquieren gran importancia productiva y económica por ser los principales recursos forrajeros. Allí sus rendimientos varían considerablemente dentro de los lotes, producto de la heterogeneidad edáfica, dada por su origen y manejo de riego, afectando propiedades físicas y químicas del recurso. La viabilidad del uso, manejo y conservación del suelo y su relación con el manejo del agua y rendimiento de los cultivos en regiones semiáridas con riego, depende de la disponibilidad de información cuantitativa y cualitativa de los procesos que en él ocurren. En el marco de esta problemática, se planteó como objetivo identificar y evaluar diferentes variables edáficas y su relación con la producción del cultivo de alfalfa bajo riego.AER Colonia 25 de MayoFil: Sartor, Paolo Daniel. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA). Estación Experimental Agropecuaria Anguil. Agencia de Extensión Rural Colonia 25 de Mayo; ArgentinaFil: Aumassanne, Carolina Manuela. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA). Estación Experimental Agropecuaria Anguil. Agencia de Extensión Rural Colonia 25 de Mayo; ArgentinaFil: Fontanella, Dardo Roy. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA). Estación Experimental Agropecuaria Anguil. Agencia de Extensión Rural Colonia 25 de Mayo; ArgentinaFil: Perez, María Micaela. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA). Estación Experimental Agropecuaria Anguil; ArgentinaFil: Masseroni, Maria Lujan. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA). Estación Experimental Agropecuaria Anguil. Agencia de Extensión Rural Colonia 25 de Mayo; ArgentinaFil: Alvarez, Cristian. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA). Estación Experimental Agropecuaria Anguil; ArgentinaFil: Di Bella, Carlos Marcelo. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA). Instituto de Clima y Agua; ArgentinaFil: Taboada, Miguel Angel. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA). Instituto de Suelos; Argentin

    Governance mapping: a framework for assessing the adaptive capacity of marine resource governance to environmental change

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    Marine social-ecological systems are influenced by the way humans interact with their environment, and external forces, which change and re-shape the environment. In many regions, exploitation of marine resources and climate change are two of the primary drivers shifting the abundance and distribution of marine living resources, with negative effects on marine-dependent communities. Governance systems determine ‘who’ makes decisions, ‘what’ are their powers and responsibilities, and ‘how’ they are exercised. Understanding the connections between the actors comprising governance systems and influences between governance and the environment is therefore critical to support successful transitions to novel forms of governance required to deal with environmental changes. The paper provides an analytical framework with a practical example from Vanuatu, for mapping and assessment of the governance system providing for management of coral reef fish resources. The framework enables a rapid analysis of governance systems to identify factors that can encourage, or hinder, the adaptation of communities to changes in abundance or availability of marine resources

    Engaging complexity through collaborative brand design

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    In this research we used inductive reasoning through design to understand how stakeholders in the Waterfall Way (New South Wales, Australia) perceive the relationships between themselves and the place they live in. This paper describes a collaborative design methodology used to release information about local identities, which guided the regional brand exercise. The methodology is explicit about the uncertainties and complexities of the design process and of its reception system. As such, it aims to engage with local stakeholders and experts in order to help elicit tacit knowledge and identify system patterns and trends that would possibly not be visible if a top-down expert-based process was used. Through collective design, local people were drawn together in search for a symbol to represent the meaning attached to their places/region in relation to sustainable tourism activity

    Catalysing design principles through the dreaming of sustainable subtropical cityscapes: the collaborative construction of new place identities

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    This paper addresses the question of how to open up pathways and build capacity to facilitate the movement towards sustainable sub-tropical cities. The focus is on outlining a collaborative planning and co-design process that can help catalyse the emergence of sustainable place-habitats and so re-weave and colour anew the tapestry of our sub-tropical cities. Cities are portrayed as self-organising complex adaptive system phenomena, being constantly re-shaped by local and global social-political, environmental, cultural and economic forces as well as planning regimes. While constructing a sustainable city is at essence a design process incorporating new sustainable practices and legislation to reinforce their use, these steps are necessary but not sufficient. Sustainable sub-tropical city-making could be re-thought as a dreaming-re-storying process. This paper explores a new co-design process, which can channel collaborative efforts around re-inventing sustainable place-habitats across the cityscape. A further outcome of this co-design process is the alignment of the emergent design principles and planning actions that can trigger the re-storying of a new sustainable sub-tropical city. Besides a new co-design process, we also advocate the building of sub-tropical city learning networks to facilitate the cross-fertilization for Dreaming sustainable sub-tropical cities

    Translating Management Storylines: developing a visual strategy to communicate science to stakeholder community, a case for Mackay, QLD

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    This project developed a visual strategy and graphic outcomes to communicate the results of a scientific collaborative project to the Mackay community.\ud \ud During 2013 and 2014 a team from CSIRO engaged with the community in Mackay to collaboratively develop a set of strategies to improve the management of the Great Barrier Reef. The result of this work was a 300+ page scientific report that needed to be translated and summarised to the general community.\ud \ud The aim of this project was to strategically synthesise information contained in the report and to design and produce an outcome to be distributed to the participant community. By working with the CISRO researchers, an action toolkit was developed, with twelve cards and a booklet. Each card represented the story behind a certain local management issue and the actions that the participants suggested should be taken in order to improve management of The Reef. \ud \ud During the design synthesis it was identified that for all management issues there was a reference to the need to develop some sort of "educational campaign" to the area. That was then translated as an underlying action to support all other actions proposed in the toolkit